We had a beautiful drive to Jackson on Friday night - the kids didn't sleep a wink in anticipation of all of the fun that they were going to have at Grandma Sherry's and Grandpa John's! We stopped by Wendy's for dinner and Isaac was a hoot at the drive-
thru. We asked him what he wanted and he said Chicken Nuggets and
Gogurt and Chocolate Milk. When we repeated it to him it went like this:
Mom: So, you want Chicken Nuggets...
Isaac: No, a hamburger with ketchup
Mom: Okay, so you want a hamburger with just ketchup on it?
Isaac: No, I want ketchup and the bun and the meat part, too!
We were laughing pretty hard and did not expect him to eat it, because he usually will only eat chicken nuggets! However, he chowed it down and ate all of his
gogurt and some of my fries and his chocolate milk!
When we got to Sherry's, Isaac read "Love you Forever" with Grandpa John (who didn't even tear up)! and we put the Miss to bed downstairs with us. She screamed and screamed and screamed some more, so we went down there and brought the pack-n-play upstairs to Isaac's room, she fussed for a second and went right to sleep. I don't know if they will ever be able to sleep apart! We stayed up for a while talking with John and Sherry and then went to bed! We slept until about 10:30 the next morning and then had a wonderful pancake breakfast! We waited for Aaron, Katie and the girls to arrive and then we enjoyed a delicious Turkey dinner with all of the fixings! We opened gifts and had dessert and enjoyed each other until it was time to go home! Here are some pictures!