Monday, May 5, 2008


After a girl is grown, her little brothers - now her protectors - seem like big brothers. ~Astrid Alauda Help your brother's boat across, and your own will reach the shore. ~Hindu Proverb
There is a little boy inside the man who is my brother ...Oh, how I hated that little boy.

And how I love him too. ~Anna Quindlan

As Joe boards the plane to Iraq,
I sit here and think of all of the times that we have shared.
I can't believe that my little brother is all grown up!

As he embarks on this chapter in his life,
my only wish is that this becomes a positive experience.
I am facing the fear that I may never see him again,
but looking forward to the day he makes a safe return.
I am secure in the fact that I have said to him all that I can say.
He knows that he is loved and will be missed while he is gone.
He is strong and brave and I am very proud of him.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Smiley Girl

Hello everbody! She always has her tongue sticking out!
Scrunchy face!
Pick me, pick me!
Irelynn has been so much fun lately - she is always smiling and getting soooo excited about everything! She has been going to bed at midnight and will sleep until 6pm and then again until 9 or 10! I am not nearly as exhausted as I have been :o) She is eating every 3-4 hours now, which is really nice, too! She is still wearing her newborn jammies and 0-3 mo. clothing. I tried to put her in 3-6 mo. yesterday (I was getting bored with all of her clothing options), but she was swimming in it! All I wished for this time was a petite little girl & can't believe it came true... I think I just might be the luckiest mom in the world!

The bestest big brother ever

Isaac couldn't wait to finally feed his sister! Time to burp!
Cuddle time :o)
As I was feeding Irelynn a bottle yesterday (I decided to pump after she slept for 3 hours & then she woke up just when I was done...), Isaac decided that he needed a turn feeding her. So, he got comfy in the chair and I handed him the bottle and his sister. He was such a pro! He fed her, burped her and then sat her next to him with very little help from me! I can't believe how maternal (paternal) he is with her. He is always in her face and it drives me nuts, but she is always giving him all of her smiles... I guess she doesn't mind it so much! Irelynn has been obsessed with him since day 1 - I remember when we came home from the hospital and she was already following him with her eyes! They're just so darn cute together :o)

Watch out world, here I come!

This is so my life

This is so my life