I am 26 weeks along today, baby Girl is doing well *note that we are no longer calling her Abbie, as I changed my mind about it after I heard people saying it... and then my brother told me that it sounds like a name for a dog... no offense to anyone named Abbie out there who may be reading this* her heart-rate was 150bpm, and she is still extremely active. I don't know how I am going to make it another 3 months!!!!
Rob has been in Alpena for the past couple of weeks. Sounds like he is finally coming home on Saturday night. I can't wait for him to be here, especially since we are waiting for him to come home so that we can have Fettuccine Alfredo for dinner *wink*... I really can't wait to snuggle up to his furry little face and give him the biggest hug ever. It's been rough without him around - he left his car here and every time we pull into the driveway, Isaac asks with lots of excitement, "Is my dad home?!" When I tell him "no", he gets very upset. He might just miss him more than I do! I have been staying busy here at Granny's. We have moved most of the stuff here that we will be using, so I have been organizing all of it... myself. When I am not organizing stuff and cleaning up after Isaac, I have been working on Christmas gifts - I should have started this months ago!!!
Hope everyone is doing well and when I get my charger for the camera, I will post more pictures of the ever-growing belly. Seriously, it feels enormous! I am measuring about 38.5 inches, but I am only 2 pounds short of what I weighed when I gave birth to Isaac. Luckily, Aaron gave Rob The Abs Diet book for his birthday - I know what I will be doing in April!
All three of you look adorable! I am looking forward to seeing you, Isaac, and my Grizzly Adams son... Love,
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