Isaac's trying his best to avoid having his picture taken

This was about the only time all weekend that he took his helmet off!!

Granny & Grandpa Ben celebrating their 50
th Anniversary
What a fun weekend!! We were able to visit with Uncle Dan on Thursday night, Rob played in a softball game with my brothers for Fox Ford on Friday night - he hit a triple - it was awesome!!! On Saturday we spent the day at Camp Lake where we were able to visit with the Mosqueda family. The food was delicious and everyone really enjoyed themselves.
On Sunday we went to my parent's house to do laundry, visit and have dinner. John and Sherry came to see my brother Joe and to visit for a bit before heading back to Jackson! Isaac gave us all quite a laugh in the afternoon: You see, he has this "prized" knight in shining armor helmet, which was purchased at a garage sale around the time of his birthday. A couple of weeks ago, it cracked down the middle. Of course, I was tempted to throw it away, but he insisted that we use tape, the sticky kind. I proceeded to tape it up with masking tape, as it was my only resource at the time. All is well; the helmet looks extremely tacky, but works like new! A temporary fix that it was, I was hardly surprised when the helmet broke... again. Only this time, the mask part that covers his chin had snapped off on one side. Grandpa John suggested super glue, but it wouldn't work with that material. Hmmmm, we can see the wheels turning is Isaac's head. He snaps off the other side of the chin cover and goes to his Papa. Papa eases his mind and explains to Isaac that if he can manage to be patient, he will get some "epoxy" and fix the helmet. Isaac will have to wait for it to dry before he can wear it again, but it should be fixed at that point. Sir Isaac agrees, and being the good helper that he is, he goes to the garage and yells, "Mom!" I follow him out there and he is asking me to open the freezer for him. I oblige and he tells me that he wants a Popsicle. I ask what color he wants and he says, "pink". I hand him the pink one and then he says, "Can I have one that I can eat, too?" I reply with, "Well, what are you going to do with that pink one?" and he tells me, "That one is for Papa so he can glue my helmet!"
I was laughing so hard, I almost peed my pants. I could hardly tell everybody why I was laughing so hard, but when I did everyone joined me.
Until a month ago, when Isaac would say Popsicle, it sounded like 'poxeel" Apparently, poxeel and epoxy sounded like they would be the same thing - what a goofy boy! Isaac is always good for a laugh :o) It's one of the many reasons why we love him the way we do!!
On a baby note, we had our first Dr's appointment on Friday and Dr. Pete said that I was measuring about 8-9 weeks, which is right on target. We will be able to hear the heartbeat (hopefully only one!!) at the next appointment in September and will have an ultrasound in November! Everything is still going well, my belly is getting bigger and Rob's beard is getting longer... pics to be added soon!