I love you more today than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will love you tomorrow
I am a day late in posting this, but we were busy this weekend...
Happy 28th Birthday Rob! 3 years ago, I asked you to go out with me for a birthday beer and you obliged. I was ecstatic! We celebrated at the Rogue with a couple of drinks and chips & salsa; we talked about a lot of things! At the end of our 'date', you dropped me off at home and I was in heaven for the rest of the night. I never would have thought that anything would come of our simple date, but after I finally forced my phone number into your hand, you did the right thing :o)
Now three years later, we are happily married and expecting a baby!!! It has been an amazing journey (not the easiest, but that's how we learn) and I am so looking forward to spending many, many, many more birthdays with you!
Thank you for being such a wonderful husband, dad, and friend.
Hi. I'm glad we were able to spend some time with you on Saturday celebrating Rob's birthday. I still can't believe he is 28! How did the time go by so quickly??? We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
Happy Happy to the two of you! Love all the updates. I figured out how to leave comments and now I can keep in touch. Love, Julie Ann
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