Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Captain Isaac

I can't believe another year has gone by - what an adventurous year it has been...  Isaac has grown a lot!  He is such an amazing little boy.  He has so much love in his heart and can be the sweetest little thing.  He can also be quite demanding... but what 3/4 year old isn't?!  He has become so independent, but still requires the same attention and assistance that he once needed as an infant... it makes for a difficult balancing act for me!
I used to send out an Isaac update email that highlighted his achievements for the month.  It's hard to believe that just a few years ago he was learning words like 'ball' and 'dog' and 'milk'.  Today he is learning to spell those words.  We are having fun learning about letters and the sounds that they make.  Soon he will be reading bedtime stories to me!  One thing that hasn't changed is that he is still a great big ball of energy :o)  I hope that never changes!  I have my moments with him when I can get so frustrated and then he does something that makes my heart melt.  I loved that we got to cuddle quietly this morning.  He is still soft and sweet and cuddly when he wants to be.  He is currently eating pizza for breakfast... because it's his birthday!   As soon as I peel myself away from the computer, we will be eating breakfast at McDonald's (his choice) and spending his birthday money/gift card at Toys R Us!  


Doreen said...

How I love that little boy. Just thinking about the last 4 years brings happy tears to my eyes. He is amazing!! I wish more people understood his soft and caring heart. His is a miracle baby and brings joy in everyone he meets, even strangers. We can't explain it but just watching him is incredible. And it is true, I have brainwashed him but he is my first grandchild and that is just how it goes. And his Mom is my first born and she knows all about the love we share as well. I love you both the MOST!!!



Watch out world, here I come!

This is so my life

This is so my life