“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.” Richard Bach
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Happy 50th Birthday Sherry!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Tonight, it's my turn
I volunteered to spend the night with her tonight - that way everyone could get a break and I could get in some time with her. I was apprehensive all the way up to the point when everyone left, but she has been doing well today, so I think I will be alright!! Her blood pressure has still been fluctuating, but right now it's 100/57 and it was 110/72 earlier today. Her heart rate is steadier now than it has been, it's generally in the upper 90s to lower 100s.
It's breaking my heart when she asks for help and wants us to get her out of here. I explained to her today that she needed to be here so that the Dr. could give her the medicine she needed to heal. I was even able to get her glasses on her so that she could watch football! You should have seen her eyes light up!!! I have been knitting a lot - I was able to complete a hat and a pair or mittens for Miss Irelynn! They are absolutely adorable - I can't wait to take pictures of her in them! Now that I have finished that, I am going to peruse through the books that I brought here from the library to find another pattern to start. I haven't yet decided on something for Isaac or Rob. I will probably start with Isaac (sorry honey) since his project will go quicker. Someday Rob will get his sweater and wear it with pride! His complaints should be on hold since I did complete a hat for him before I left!
I should also add how thankful our family is for all of the support that we are receiving from everyone. Many of Aunt Patti's friends, co-workers and church members have been more than generous with their giving. We were able to enjoy a lunch of sandwiches and chips and some wonderful fried chicken and potato salad and this delicious crunch cake - it was like a donut and cake all rolled into one - yummo-licious! Thanks again for all of the love and support - we have really needed it!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Greetings from Texas
Yes, you read right - Greetings from Texas... We got news this week that my Grandma Lewis has not been doing well and was admitted into the hospital. Her kidneys are not functioning properly and her blood pressure is very low. We left Michigan Wednesday night at 8pm and arrived in Texas on Thursday around 6pm. I am here with my Dad, Mom, and Jon. Also here are Aunt Patti, her ex-husband Wesley, her daughters Patti with her daughters Brittani (23), Brianne (17) and Brooke (9); and Peggy with husband Larry and children Meagan (17) and Dru (13), and Paul with his wife Sharon, daughter Brandy with Kaitlyn (7), Maddie (5) and Andrew (3) and his son Ben, his wife-to-be Amber and their daughter Riley. Uncle Jon is here with his wife Karen and Karen's mother-in-law, daughter Lori, and daughter Monica with her children, Ashleigh (16) and Garrett (15). Uncle Mike and Aunt Darlene are here from Atlanta, GA and Aunt Gloria is here as well. We are staying at Aunt Patti's house in Lufkin, which is one of the towns hit by Hurricane Ike. They all just got their power back earlier this week.
It was a long drive and I already miss Rob & the kids like crazy. It was hard leaving, but I feel like I needed to be here! The doctors are not looking very optimistic at this point, but they are also not giving us a time-frame. They were able to give her a half dose of Demerol this morning, but her blood pressure was 70/45 when we got here. Right now it's 94/54. It should be 120/60. If here blood pressure goes up, they will do a trial run of dialysis, but they aren't sure how she will react to it. It is nice to see her resting now - when she's awake all she wants to do is get out of bed (which she can't do) and she is very restless. It's been difficult and full of emotion, but we all have each other, which is wonderful!
Well, I have a ton of knitting to do, which if it wasn't from Grandma teaching me how to crochet, I wouldn't have ever had the desire to knit! I will keep everyone updated and when I can! My dad is picking up the night shift tonight and I volunteered for tomorrow night, so I will have lots of quiet time on my hands. My hope is that I will be able to have a couple of conversations with her while we just have each other. I did get a smile from her before we left last night... I knew I was her favorite :o)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Let's catch up!
Oh my - it has been a wild and crazy summer! It has just flown by - I am pretty sure we enjoyed every moment!!
As you can see by many of the pictures that were posted, Isaac was morphed into a fish this summer. He has gotten so brave - he will even jump off of diving boards now! Who knew that swimming lessons at 18 months old would pay off for the next 3 years? His favorite pastime has been jumping off the end of the dock. He loves to do tricks: the superman, the cannonball, the pencil, meatball on a stick, and the wipeout. He loves to go tubing behind the boat and even tried water skiing (which didn't go so well, but he's ready to try again). His vocabulary is ever expanding - his word of the week this week is 'fantastic'. I am willing to bet that I have the sweetest, most helpful little boy ever put on this earth. He absolutely adores his baby sister and will do anything for her. He loves to change her diaper (just the stinky pee, not the poop ones) and is always opening the door for us on our way out to run errands. He is always so very thoughtful and kind. Although we have been battling 'whining' and a bit of an 'attitude' occasionally, he is doing well with the adjustment of having Irelynn around. Rob and I are in a heated debate on whether or not he will be attending school next year. We have previously agreed that I would homeschool K-6, but Rob would like to see him in school. Some days I am tempted to ship him off, but I would also like to do a bit more research this year so that we can both comfortably agree. Either way, I am sure he will excel!
Irelynn Rene is a little spitfire already. When she wants something, she does everything she can to get it. I said from day 1 that she would be my little adventurer. Cupboard locks and the such are definitely in our future! She is already throwing temper tantrums, which I believe are a bit premature. She is a mommy's girl, which can be a pain sometimes. It's frustrating when she doesn't let anybody else hold her... luckily she isn't that way 100% of the time. She is sleeping very well through the night - about 12 hours. She is sitting up on her own all of the time now, but she doesn't want to roll over. She also loves to stand - last night I had her standing up on the floor and she was holding on to the couch. She loooved it! No teeth yet, and really, no hair, but it's coming in pretty thick. She is starting to listen and understand what we are saying to her. The other night Isaac and I were sorting his Lego/Tyco/MegaBlock collection and Irelynn sat with us and chomped on some Duplos. I attempted to put her to bed, but she screamed her little head off. I went upstairs to get her and brought her back down with us and told her that if she was going to stay awake, there was to be no fit throwing. She didn't say a word the whole time. She is such a stinker! She loves reading bedtime stories with Isaac and there have been times where I can lay them both down, turn the lights out and they will fall asleep with no arguments! Did I mention how much I love that they share a room now?!
As for Rob and I... Rob has been working in Battle Creek since the 2nd week in July and I am only able to see him on the weekends. It has been difficult on us, but it goes in spurts. He starts school (through the union) again this Saturday, which means he will be in Lansing one more day of the week and exhausted both Friday and Saturday nights. He was been staying with his mom which has been a blessing. He loves having home-cooked meals (versus fast food if he was in a hotel), loves the company and is really enjoying playing his guitar and harmonica!!!
What can I say about myself? I started working at TGI Fridays (again) a few weeks ago. I am trying to work a few days a week and the kids have been going to Gram Gram's house. I have also been making cards and invitations - it has been a lot of fun! I have been going to mommy group, aka the Twisted Sisters Mommy Group! We are quite an interesting bunch. A few weeks ago we had group here at the lake and all of the kids enjoyed swimming and eating outside! I am hoping to work out my schedule so that I can still attend! Now that you have read all that... enjoy some recent pics!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Watch out world, here I come!
This is so my life