My mom and Rob are in agreement that being pregnant is a great excuse for getting "big" - however, I haven't been eating excessively. Believe it or not, my most desired meal at the moment is a scrumptious, crispy-green, leafy salad, piled with tons of feta and balsamic vinaigrette (and almonds). It doesn't get any better than that!! I would say that I am newly craving chips and salsa, but that's far from the truth as that has been my snack of choice for many years. The only (fairly) new component to my craving is that it has to be fresh salsa. Before we moved into the apartment, I was happy to eat Garden Fresh Salsa. Because my husband is Mexican, I love Mexican food, and Garden Fresh Salsa is about $3 a pop and lasts about 2 days max, I have been making it myself (sometimes I let Rob help)!! Sometimes we have to make it several times a week... Rob can't wait to have our own garden so that we can grow our own tomatoes and peppers - I can taste the yumminess now!
I keep teasing Rob, telling him that we should have known that we were pregnant before we knew that we were pregnant. Over the course of the past two weeks, I have baked two -dozen cinnamon rolls, cheddar-garlic biscuits, and chocolate chip cookies. I have also made a couple of batches of flour tortillas as well as corn tortillas to fry up for taco shells! Needless to say, I have been enjoying being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen :o)
On a non-pregnant note, we went to Granny and Grandpa Ben's on Sunday afternoon. Grandpa Ben seems to be doing much better, although he is still tiring easily, as to be expected. Isaac decided to be super-brave and swam out to the raft. Rob approximates it to be a 30 foot swim or so. Rob swam next to him the first time, and Isaac made me swim back and forth with him several more times! He even jumped off of the raft a couple of times with Rob - this kid is a fish. We put him in swimming lessons at 18 months - the best investment we ever made!!
Well, I am off to the storage unit to search for maternity clothes and all of my books and magazines that I used for Isaac. We went to the library yesterday and I found a couple of books for Rob - he has finished one already and has started on the one titled, The Guy's Guide to Surviving Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the First Year of Fatherhood.
Here is an excerpt from the Introduction:
"I'm a guy. Therefore, I'll give you a guy's point of view on parenting. What I won't do is try to tell you new and/or expectant fathers what to do (incidentally, why the hell do they refer to those about to become parents as "expectant"? Believe me, you have no idea what to expect. The correct term would be more like "poor suckers who have no clue what you're in for")."

OK, I have to be a mom and comment on the fact that my son is holding a baby in one hand and a beer in another!!! What the heck are you thinking Rob??? Just kidding, I know you take good care of Isaac and I can't wait to see you take care of a newborn baby...I can't decide if it's going to make my chuckle or well up with tears (probably a little a both). I love watching you with your adorable little family which will soon be bigger, I couldn't be a more proud mom. And I have to say Stephanie has me beat in the Mexican food preperation dept., it's been a very long time since I have made fresh torillas and salsa, good for you Stephanie! I love and miss you all and can't wait to see you on Saturday!
Congratulations! I can't wait to see the beautiful baby that the two of you have created! I too noticed the beer and the baby... reminds me of my husband :) As for growth, I'm sure I have you beat... ah, the joys of being pregnant! Flaunt it while you can! Looking forward to tummy pictures!
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