So, I am somewhere between 3 and 4 weeks along. As of right now, I have no symptoms, but I am enjoying it while I can. I am also enjoying sleeping on my belly, because I know that in a few more months, it will no longer be an option!
My head is swarming with thoughts about what needs to be done to prepare?! I am also more paranoid this time about a miscarriage. I am hoping that this subsides, as I keep telling myself that everything happens for a reason. The only thing that I am not worried about is how Isaac is going to react. We were at the mall the other day (before we knew we were pregnant) and he was playing with all of the babies. He met one-year-old Casey, who loved to throw his giraffe on the ground, and Isaac would continually pick it up for him. They giggled and laughed for a good 15 minutes at their fun game! He also had the "job" of babysitting Clara a couple of weeks ago at the Blues in Rockford. He actually tackled her as she was running towards the river, so that she wouldn't fall in. But, rest assured, if she went in the water he would jump in after her! And yet another example of how he is going to be the bestest big brother ever, is that when we were at Aunt Jenny's house, Christie's baby Nadia was there and he wanted to cuddle with her the whole time. Any time she whimpered, he would run over to me to inform me that she needed attention. Isaac also has suggested that Baby Joe, as he is calling it, should sleep in a crib in his room so that he can make sure that he (sometimes he says she) doesn't fall out. And if she wants, she can sleep in his big boy bed with him, because he has lots of room. He even points out that he will sleep on the edge and the baby would sleep against the wall!
As for Rob, he is so excited about our new addition. I asked if he was nervous and he claims he isn't yet! He would really like a girl, and Gram Gram put her order in for a girl, so that's what we are hoping for. But, I suppose if it's a boy, we'll have to be okay with that, too - ha ha ha!
I think that we were both pretty surprised that we got pregnant this quick. We probably would have started trying during our honeymoon, but we knew that our lease wouldn't be up until December. So, we decided that we would start trying in May, that way I would still be able to help move into a house in December. Although, we really thought it would take at least six months!!!
Rob's sister-in-law (Katie) is due in December and his step-sister (Amanda) is due in January; Thanksgiving should be interesting this year ;o) By March, John and Sherry will have 6 grandchildren, and Mike and Julie will have 5. Thank goodness Brad and Doreen will only have the 2, even though I can't wait for the boys to get married and have kids... in about 10 years!
We couldn't be happier.......having six grandchildren will be hectic at times but they are all a marvelous blessing!!! We love you all!!!!!!!!! :)
Mom aka Grandma Sherry & John aka Grandpa John
Congrats! That is right around Chay's birthday!
I will have to pass the crown of being the labor coach to you Rob. I will never trade the experience for anything in this world. That could be why Isaac and I have that special bond. I was looking at the crown of his head coming out for a long time. Rob, you will have that same experience and please enjoy every moment of it because you will tell the story over and over. You cannot relive the moment ever. Stephanie, please let Rob go to the bathroom!!! I love you both and keep up the good work as being parents. It goes by too fast. As you both know already. Okay, enough of me blabbering.
Love you,
Mom (NaNa)
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