Isaac couldn't wait to finally feed his sister!
Time to burp!
Cuddle time :o)
As I was feeding Irelynn a bottle yesterday (I decided to pump after she slept for 3 hours & then she woke up just when I was done...), Isaac decided that he needed a turn feeding her. So, he got comfy in the chair and I handed him the bottle and his sister. He was such a pro! He fed her, burped her and then sat her next to him with very little help from me! I can't believe how maternal (paternal) he is with her. He is always in her face and it drives me nuts, but she is always giving him all of her smiles... I guess she doesn't mind it so much! Irelynn has been obsessed with him since day 1 - I remember when we came home from the hospital and she was already following him with her eyes! They're just so darn cute together :o)

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