So... I have spent all morning trying to find a magnificent quote or poem that expresses what your birthday means to me this year... and came up empty handed (except for this:Happy Anniversary of the day that you were expelled from your mother's uterus)! I found nothing that portrays what a blessing you have been in my life. Through all of our ups and downs, I can always hold on to that moment when I knew I was in love with you. We have so many great memories of fun... like the Griffins game that we went to but forgot to watch the game because we were so busy talking about music! You have encouraged me to work on being more understanding, more forgiving, more loving. I can't express to you the joy you have brought into my life... I know some days I forget to tell you, but I promise you have! Although I dwell on your quirks a majority of the time, I am working on changing my thinking, like knowing that you wouldn't settle for anything less than 'top-of-the-line' should make me feel good - what a compliment! This year, I am making a resolution to do my best to lighten up a bit and joke around with you more, I might even sit down and watch a 'stupid-funny' movie with you! Thank you for choosing to share your life with me!
It's unfortunate that this is your last birthday celebration... I was looking forward to celebrating many, many, many more with you ;o)
Enjoy the last year of your 20s my love,
What a good day to be thankful for...the day he was expelled (well actually pulled out) of my uterus....was one of the best days of my life too. I am so happy that Rob has someone who loves him so much. He is worth the love and so are you!
PS Your 20's are good but 30's are great too.....we will have plenty more birthday celebrations! I can't think of a better thing to do than to celebrate life!!!
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