Alright, let's get this party started:
I think that I have the most freakishly amazing children in the UNIVERSE. I am not even kidding. Seriously people... Irelynn counts to 10 already! Her memory will blow your socks off and don't even get me started on her vocab. Favorite game of the week? Go ahead and take a guess...

Give up? Perfection. You know, that crazy game that has a billion little shapes that you have to frantically place properly before the timer goes off and they explode everywhere. Yeah, she plays that, without the timer part of course! When she's not doing that, she is busy antagonizing her brother... like taking his toys when he walks out of the room... classic. And, she plays with dolls. She changes their stinky poop diapers, tells them to keep their hands to themselves and puts them in time-out. Welcome to my life. She is also singing most of her ABC's, TNT by AC/DC, All I Wanna Do by Sugarland, and various other songs. Life is never dull around here, let me tell ya! Needless to say, we still haven't ordered Cable.
Do you remember Isaac, my sweet innocent little boy?

He's pretty much a grown up now that he has entered the Kindergarten world. He informed me the other day that he is almost a first grader! I was a little freaked out a couple of weeks ago when we found out that one of the areas that he would be tested in would be counting and that he would have to count to 29. Oooh, can he do it? We better practice. Hey Isaac - can you count for me please? Wanna know when he stopped? 100. Guess I worried for no reason.
He is an author now. My favorite book that he has written is this one:

You know what that is don't you? Mom and Dad IN BED! He has no explanation for it.
He is also swimming without the aid of a life jacket, flipping from diving platforms into 12 feet of water and wiggling his two bottom teeth. See, almost grown up.
I have been busy with Isaac's school and Irelynn being home. I love (most days) not going to work. I just can't believe how busy life has gotten. Our calendar is ridiculously full -but we are enjoying every moment!
Rob is working, thank goodness! He has also been busy building a shed - it's quite beautiful!

We are also decorating on the inside of the house... still. I keep skipping around on my projects. I just have so many ideas and want to see them all play out. I know, be patient! Cold weather is coming and I will have plenty of time... after Christmas!
I promise I will update more - I have been having an affair with Facebook... I am hoping that blogger welcomes me back with open arms ;-)
The Gullivers