Stay out of the MOSH PIT!
Lesson learned.
Okay, so I really technically was NOT in the mosh pit, but I was dangerously close to it... unfortunately. I really like the band Clutch. It just so happens that they are the only band that Rob and I mutually enjoyed when we met. We have seen them together about 3 or 4 times now. A couple of times ago, I actually participated wholeheartedly (although it may have been Bud-Light induced) in the mosh pit and had a blast. This time, that was NOT my intention...
Imagine this: Rob and I minding our own business standing towards the front of the stage, but to the right of the center of the stage where most of the 'moshing' takes place, eagerly anticipating the arrival of Clutch. Me jumping up and down yelling like a banshee as Neil takes the stage and Rob observing sweetly! Ahhh, the moshing begins to the left of us and we agree that if it gets too crazy, we will take a step back. I say, "how crazy is too crazy?" Rob says, "we'll see"... dun dun dun...
The people to the left
and right of me start pushing and getting crazy-stupid and I turn around to Rob and yell, "let's get out of here!!" No sooner than I turn around, do I feel some dude's hand connecting with my face! I am so freaking out at this point because several thoughts are running through my brain...
1. Ouch- seriously, some dude just hit me in the face
2. Rob's going to beat the $hit out of this guy
3. We're going to get thrown out of here,
and finally
4. Why is this stupid girl pushing me deeper into the mosh pit?!
The only thing I could do is fight my way back towards Rob as several bodies are forcing me in the other direction. I am screaming at them to let me go so that I could get back to my husband. Tears are streaming down my face because of the pain and because I have never been so scared in my life!
So, stupid girl (even if I knew her name, I would still dub her stupid girl) continues to push me into the crowd and my fight or flight instinct kicks and I totally deck her in the face. It was one of those moments when you are so angry and you want to hit something so hard, but when you do it, your arm feels like it's surrounded by water... so yeah, I don't think I injured her. Although, I will admit that I wanted to! Meanwhile, all I can see is Rob with his arms snaked around some dude's neck and all I can think is "Holy $hit"! It was a chaotic twisting of limbs and yelling and beautiful music in the distance...
Rob and I finally re-connected when stupid girl let me go and then the 'security guards' tried to escort us out. We protested and explained what happened and they found some dude and successfully escorted him out of the concert and then let us go upstairs to sit down and enjoy the show.
And what a show it was - they rock my world...
I would do it all over again just to hear them perform... but I did ask Rob if he could invite them over to play a private show just for us so that we wouldn't have to deal with stupid girl and some dude! He said he would see what he could do ;o)
On a related, but different note, doesn't Rob look like Neil? Oh, be sure to check back as I will post the picture of my itty-bitty shiner soon :o)