The Miss is crawling - full speed ahead. Be sure to watch the video... just two days ago she started crawling at Gram Gram's house, although I wouldn't have called it crawling at that point compared to what she does now! Yesterday I told my mom that she gets frustrated because she will crawl over to the couch and sit herself up and wind up several (too many) inches away from the couch and is then unable to pull herself up to standing. Guess what she figured out how to do today? I am absolutely amazed at how fast this all happened! I don't think that Isaac is going to handle this too well, and we are almost positive that we will find legos in her poo... It will be an adjustment for all of us, that's for sure :o)
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
Look out she comes. There is no stopping her now! How fun is that? Our little miss is crawling. It's like a new adventure everyday isn't it? That was fun to watch , thanks for posting it and I can't wait to see her do it in person!
Lots of love,
Love it, That is sooooo Special!
Love Aunt Gloria
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