In this New Year, I have decided that I am going to start being more honest, more brave, less restricted. I am making a choice to speak cautiously... to not say something about someone that I would be ashamed about if that person overheard. I will be more aware of my family and its best interests and make personal choices that benefit and encourage personal happiness. Call it selfish, which it is by all means, but I am done doing things to please other people and pacify situations. It has put our marriage at great risk. Even typing this now, I am questioning myself, but I will hit that 'publish post' button down there (after some editing)! Wouldn't you just love to know what I have deleted so far?!
Alas, I must step down from my soap box as it's way past my bedtime, but rest assured that this will not become my stomping ground for bitching and complaining! However, you may find that I will be more honest and forthcoming about my days and moments. I hope that it makes you laugh, makes you cry, and also let you know that you're not alone... but really, it's mostly for my benefit ;o)
The most adorable husband in the world
Sometimes we sacrifice ourselves to make sacrifices for the ones we love and sometimes we sacrifice the ones we love as not to sacrifice ourselves. The question is where do we find the balance? When we put others above ourselves, when we love even when we hurt, when we allow ourselves to receive love then we know we are walking in God's light and are living by faith that this day will bear fruit. In this we also must honor ourselves and live with integrity. "What so ever is true, what so ever is right, what so ever is pure...think on these things". Phillipians (?)
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