Monday, June 25, 2007

Isaac's Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Isaac's 3rd birthday downtown Rockford at the Blues - he loves it down there and it was a beautiful night! The only things missing was Rob, he was in Alpena :o(
Isaac was so excited to get his new Legos from Nana and Papa - he plays with them for hours!
He loves to build guns (he is such a boy!), pod racers for his figurines, and then we always have to make the animals shown on the bucket!
Isaac and Papa enjoying the Blues!
Isaac and Nana sharing an ice cream cone!
Isaac and Mommy building zoo animals!
Isaac blowing out the candle on the fun swimming pool birthday cake that Nana made. After eating dinner and ice cream, we hardly touched the cake! Isaac did eat the Jello that was in the middle!!


Watch out world, here I come!

This is so my life

This is so my life