Isaac loves to dress up as Jack Sparrow, as you can plainly see! I was browsing a website that always has really neat knitting projects on it, and I found a link to - I was sooooo excited to try the Tricorn hat. I, being the analytical perfectionist that I am, took on this project with the intention of finishing it, regardless of how I thought it would turn out. After feeling the heat from my Husband for taking apart his sweater (first of all, the sweater was hideous *analytical perfectionist*, and second, the colors were perfect for the hat...), I sat down and proceeded to knit the hat. It was huge when I finished and I had some hesitation as I threw it into the washer to start the felting process. This is one project that I actually knitted a swatch for, so I did have an idea of what the end result color would be - go me! So, I stood by the washer, impatiently as the hat began to shrink. It took about an hour for me to 'shape' the hat on a bowl and to get the points just right... I kept asking Rob's opinion and I was getting frustrated, because he said that it looked 'just fine... it's just a costume hat' - the nerve! Apparently he forgot that I can be an 'analytical perfectionist' when I am trying to complete a project, which is why there aren't many that are complete! Anyway, the finished project is so amazingly awesome that I have even displayed it on the web for the whole world to see. I am planning on sending a picture to with a note of thanks for the pattern - free patterns rock! Enjoy the pictures, we took a video too, but I need to play around with the computer to see which program I can use for editing, and I can't finish it before 5pm and I know that my mom is anxiously awaiting an updated post!

Your Mommy is amazing. You are such a lucky little boy!!! You make a very handsome pirate. I love you and your mom.
Wow Stephanie! That's incredible! Isaac certainly does make an adorable little pirate!! =)
Isaac you look adorable in your pirate hat. Your mommy worked hard on it but now I know why your daddy thought he needed a new sweater!
Grandma Sherry
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