Nana, Papa, Irelynn & Isaac
Easter Egg hunting fun
Baby Bunnies
All the kids - Isaac took off his bunny sunglasses at the last minute!
**I promise to load pictures of Irelynn with her eyes open (and with Grandma Sherry) on the next post!**

Once again, we had a fun-packed Holiday Weekend! On top of that, our week was filled with lots of fun dr. appointments and such (Irelynn is weighing in at 8lb. 4oz. already!!) I was a brave "mom-of-two" and took both kids to Chuck E. Cheese's on Tuesday!! Isaac had a blast and Irelynn slept in her Baby Bjorn the whole time! I also took them both to the grocery store and Kohl's. I figured I may as well dive in head-first... especially since at this point it's relatively easy to travel with them! I can't imagine what it will be like when Irelynn is mobile-eek!
We have all adjusted quite well to the new addition. It feels like she has been with us forever! Besides not wanting to go to bed before 1am, Irelynn is a great baby! She is even sleeping a 5-hour stretch at night - Isaac didn't do that until he was 2!!! Speaking of Isaac, he hasn't shown any signs of jealousy or aggression - just lots of love for "his baby"! It's funny, because all of the books/websites that I read about adding another baby to the family always mention how overwhelming it would be and that our marriage would start to go downhill. Our experience isn't anything like that... of course, I have been slightly sleep-deprived which brings out my weepy side, and I find myself getting upset because I don't fit into my pre-prego clothes yet. But, it has only been 2.5 weeks! I would love to start working out today, and there are some things that I can do, but if my body isn't ready yet, I don't want to push myself too hard. Our friend Joe bought us the Baby Om book and they even say to wait 2 months :o(
Luckily, Rob has been very helpful and supportive, even in my most weepy of moments. I couldn't ask for a better husband!! We are looking forward to our first date night tomorrow night - the kids are going to Nana and Papa's house while we enjoy a night at the Griffins. We signed up at the YMCA last night and left Irelynn at home with Granny and Grandpa Ben. I think that he really enjoyed the time with us without his sister for a few hours. What was the first thing he said when he walked in the door? Is my baby doing alright? It was soooo sweet! Rob and Isaac are at the Y right now - hopefully Isaac is having fun in the Kids Zone while Rob works on losing the pregnancy weight that he put on!
While Irelynn is wearing out the batteries in her swing, I need to finish up some laundry, defrost chicken for dinner, pack the kids clothes for tomorrow, and hopefully sit down for two minutes to enjoy my alone time - wish me luck!