We are finally home from the hospital - reality hasn't fully kicked in yet, but I am sure that it will... very soon! Our first night at home with Irelynn was a challenge, as she has her days and nights mixed up a bit... She was also very gassy, which was quite uncomfortable for her. Now that my milk has come in, she is having a much easier time burping and tooting! At our Dr. appointment yesterday, we mentioned that she doesn't enjoy sleeping flat on her back and she told us that we could raise one end of her crib so that she is on an angle. She was suspecting that she was having a bit of reflux and if we can make it so that her stomach is at a 30 angle, it would help tremendously. On our way home, we realized that she can sleep for a 5-hour stretch, but it has always been in our bed, not hers. So, I don't think that it's reflux, she is just a cuddler! Who can blame her? She has been warm and cozy in the womb for the past 9 months. She is probably cold and lonely in her own bed :o( However, we will not encourage co-sleeping with her. We need our space, plus, it's too stressful!!!
I still find myself looking at her in amazement. I can't believe that she is actually here and that we can hold her in our arms! Rob is absolutely smitten with his daughter. He had to go to school today and was having a hard time leaving his girls. Luckily, my mom and dad have Isaac today (they are going shopping for Harley Davidson stuff) so I get to spend time with Irelynn!
Isaac and Irelynn are going to be the best of friends - she already follows him with her eyes when he is talking to her. Not only are her eyes following him, but you can almost see them dancing with excitement. If there was a time that she could physically smile, this would be it!
We have determined that she looks like me with her eyes closed and like Rob with them open. She doesn't resemble Isaac at all. I dressed her in one of his old outfits to see if that made a difference... it didn't! She seems to enjoy being awake and alert. She can make some of the goofiest little faces already! Rob and I are finding that we aren't getting much done because we spend most of our time watching her every move!
I am signing off now so that I can continue enjoying 'girl time' with my little peanut!
Congratulations!! She's so cute! Glad you're home & doing well. =)
Hi. I need to see some updated picture of my granddaughter! It's been almost a week since I have seen her. The nurses in the hospital where Rob was born used to call him peanut, when I saw you called Irelynn that it reminded me. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!
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