“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.” Richard Bach
Monday, October 29, 2007
Baby Girl
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Half Way There & It's A.....
We are soooooooooo excited to be adding a little girl to our family. Rob can't wait to have Daddy's Little Girl!
Our appointment was on Cascade Rd. and I didn't stop crying (tears of joy) until we got home! I am just waiting for Isaac to finish his lunch so that we can go run some errands. We might just have to stop by a store or two to buy something pink! Isaac has been singing the "It's a girl, we're having a girl" song since we left the Dr's office! He is so happy to be having a baby sister. He would have been really disappointed if it wasn't a girl! My brother Jon doesn't know what he is going to do when he takes both of them to Chuck E Cheese's, because he doesn't think that he can take a girl into the boys bathroom. I told him that he was going to have to get a girlfriend. A lot can happen in 3 years, trust me!
Now we have to settle on a name. I should probably delete the poll, because I think we are leaning towards Abigail Elaine!!
It can change at any time, so we won't be getting anything embroidered at this point!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Happy Birthday Jon & Joe
It seems like just yesterday I could hold them in my arms and dress them up like girls... it's amazing how fast they grew up. We have had our ups and downs like all siblings do, but at the end of the day, no matter how mad they make me, I am very proud to call them my little monsters!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Pumpkin Carving

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Klackles in the Rain
The gang- Liz & Patrick, Steve, Ann & Liam (in stroller), Mark & Sharon behind and Rob & Isaac leading the pack. Not pictured, but were there to splash in the puddles were: Cathy & Keagan, Shannon & friend, Kathryn, JT & Layla!
We didn't purchase these particular pumpkins, but it was the only opportunity for a photo!We were all soaking wet, but nobody complained - we were having too much fun to notice!! We all stopped by the big red barn to enjoy some much needed hot cider/chocolate and doughnuts!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Beautiful Fall Weekend
Friday, October 5, 2007
Bell's Palsy
I get a call this morning from him as he was on his way back to work from the ER. They diagnosed him with Bell's Palsy. Automatically I 'freaked out', partly due to the fact that I lived next door to a girl who had Cerebral Palsy and it's just natural for me to associate the two because of the "Palsy" word. Luckily they are completely unrelated. The cause Bell's Palsy is unclear, although some experts have linked it to the herpes virus, which causes the common cold sore. A few weeks ago Rob complained about a couple of cold sores that just wouldn't go away...
According to WebMD, "Many health problems can cause weakness or paralysis of the face. If a specific reason cannot be found for the weakness, the condition is called Bell's palsy." It sounds like most people recover on their on after a couple of weeks, even without medications. The doctors at the ER gave him an anti-viral and a steroid to relieve the symptoms, although they haven't been proven to be effective treatments. He is scheduled to go to an Ear/Nose/Throat specialist in 2 weeks to have "nerve stimulation" done. Hopefully between the quick diagnosis, medications, and the ENT appointment, there won't be any permanent damage to his nerves. IF it gets worse, there is a possibility of him needing surgery, but we aren't going to go there at this point!!!
It's amazing what we take for granted in life... we can get so caught up in the stresses of everyday life; working, paying the bills, marriage, kids, etc. As much as we try to let ourselves appreciate each other, our friends and family, and our health, many of these other stresses get in the way of our happiness. This is a wonderful reminder to put those things aside and take a moment to forget about all of the things that society says we need to be happy and think about what truly brings us peace and happiness!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Goodbye September!
17 weeks
I got the "go ahead" from Rob to order our gdiapers starter kit this week! I cannot wait - I am unbelievably excited!!!!!!!!!!!! We plan on using the gdiapers with cloth inserts instead of the flushable inserts that they were intended for. It just doesn't seem as cost effective?! It's too funny because I am leery to spend the $$ on the covers, $30 just seems like a lot for some reason. If I really stop and think about it, I could easily spend $30 on disposables in just one month. Multiply that by the number months a typical baby spends in diapers and it makes you not want to have kids at all ;o) Luckily, gdiapers has a wonderful group on yahoo! where people are willing to send their covers for $6/cover. I at least want 2 brand new ones... call me selfish?! I am still debating on whether or not to purchase other brands as back up... diapering dilemmas, who knew!!
Just 3 weeks until we find out whether our Mexican jumping bean is a nino or nina! Then I can finally start buying things, like our MAM bottles that Babies R Us stopped carrying! As soon as I have diapers and bottles (although I plan on nursing), I will be able to rest easy and feel prepared!
Watch out world, here I come!
This is so my life