When I talked to Rob last night (who is still working in Manistee), he mentioned that after he had bitten into an apple and felt a 'pop' in his jaw. Since then, his face has been feeling quite numb. I told him my famous phrase, "well, if it gets worse go to the urgent care... we have insurance, don't be afraid to use it."
I get a call this morning from him as he was on his way back to work from the ER. They diagnosed him with Bell's Palsy. Automatically I 'freaked out', partly due to the fact that I lived next door to a girl who had Cerebral Palsy and it's just natural for me to associate the two because of the "Palsy" word. Luckily they are completely unrelated. The cause Bell's Palsy is unclear, although some experts have linked it to the herpes virus, which causes the common cold sore. A few weeks ago Rob complained about a couple of cold sores that just wouldn't go away...
According to WebMD, "Many health problems can cause weakness or paralysis of the face. If a specific reason cannot be found for the weakness, the condition is called Bell's palsy." It sounds like most people recover on their on after a couple of weeks, even without medications. The doctors at the ER gave him an anti-viral and a steroid to relieve the symptoms, although they haven't been proven to be effective treatments. He is scheduled to go to an Ear/Nose/Throat specialist in 2 weeks to have "nerve stimulation" done. Hopefully between the quick diagnosis, medications, and the ENT appointment, there won't be any permanent damage to his nerves. IF it gets worse, there is a possibility of him needing surgery, but we aren't going to go there at this point!!!
It's amazing what we take for granted in life... we can get so caught up in the stresses of everyday life; working, paying the bills, marriage, kids, etc. As much as we try to let ourselves appreciate each other, our friends and family, and our health, many of these other stresses get in the way of our happiness. This is a wonderful reminder to put those things aside and take a moment to forget about all of the things that society says we need to be happy and think about what truly brings us peace and happiness!
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
Wow that is crazy. And scary. But I have known people who have had that happen & it's not caused any permanent trouble, so hopefully that will be the same for Rob. And you're right...sometimes God uses "circumstances" to remind us of what's truly important. =)
I also did some research on Bells Palsey this morning, I was relieved to read that it usually goes away on its own. Rob sounded pretty calm this morning so that was good too. My prayers and thoughts are with him for a speedy recovery....I can still picture his tiny little 4 lb 13 oz body in my arms, he was a blessing then and is still blessing now.
How's he doing?
Sorry to hear this, Patti was saying that Monica went thru this also but came thru it and is doing great. Not sure of the time frame in which she went thru it but the important thing is that it gives positive thoughts in that Rob will pull thru this with flying colors. Just know that I am thinking of you and hope nothing but the best.
Love Aunt Gloria
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