Wednesday, October 3, 2007

17 weeks

Yay!! Rob was able to feel the baby move this weekend - it was almost like the baby knew that he was going to be gone for the week and kicked just a little bit harder!

I got the "go ahead" from Rob to order our gdiapers starter kit this week! I cannot wait - I am unbelievably excited!!!!!!!!!!!! We plan on using the gdiapers with cloth inserts instead of the flushable inserts that they were intended for. It just doesn't seem as cost effective?! It's too funny because I am leery to spend the $$ on the covers, $30 just seems like a lot for some reason. If I really stop and think about it, I could easily spend $30 on disposables in just one month. Multiply that by the number months a typical baby spends in diapers and it makes you not want to have kids at all ;o) Luckily, gdiapers has a wonderful group on yahoo! where people are willing to send their covers for $6/cover. I at least want 2 brand new ones... call me selfish?! I am still debating on whether or not to purchase other brands as back up... diapering dilemmas, who knew!!

Just 3 weeks until we find out whether our Mexican jumping bean is a nino or nina! Then I can finally start buying things, like our MAM bottles that Babies R Us stopped carrying! As soon as I have diapers and bottles (although I plan on nursing), I will be able to rest easy and feel prepared!


Watch out world, here I come!

This is so my life

This is so my life