Neighbors and friends, Sam & Stephanie entered little Corbin in Regis & Kelly's Beautiful Baby Search and have now found out that Corbin has made the TOP 5!!! Regis claims that there were over 300,000 entries! Stephanie is packing her bags right now to head to New York for an 'all-expense' paid trip to the show where they will appear on Wednesday and also on Friday when the winner will be announced! She says that it all feels surreal right now and they couldn't be any more excited! On Thursday, they will be attending the Parenting Magazine Photo Shoot, which should be a fantastic experience. By making the top 5, Corbin has won a $25k college scholarship and if he wins, he will receive $125k and be on the cover of Parenting magazine! They are trying to sell their house and move to a different part of Rockford, but if everything goes well, they might be looking at housing in New York instead!! We are sooooo excited for them - what a fun adventure! We wish them the best of luck and can't wait to find out the results on Friday!!
Hey Stephanie, I saw the baby search on Regis and Kelly;(as you know, I watch it everyday) when they announced corbin from Rockford, I had no idea who he was of course, but now I know, How exciting! Go Corbin! and GOOD LUCK!
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