I keep saying that she has her dad's nose, but my mom got out my baby picture and my nose was pretty wide as well! We think that she is absolutely adorable and can't wait to hold her in our arms - less than 5 weeks.
Funny story: When I has pregnant with Isaac, there was a woman in Walmart who asked when I was due. I had already been to the hospital twice with heavy contractions, so I told her June 6, but probably sooner. She looked at me and shook her head and told me that I would not be having that baby on time. I was soooo mad at this lady, especially when June 6 came and went without a trip to the hospital! I was at Fox Ford the other day getting Rob's oil changed and there was a man who asked me when I was due and I told him that I had 5 more weeks to go. He looked at me and shook his head and told me that there is no way that I would be carrying this baby for 5 more weeks and that I will be having this baby in the next few weeks! Yay!! Hopefully he is right - it's funny that those are the only two memorable comments that I have received from strangers about my pregnancy!
Our acrobatic daughter - her feet are touching her forehead!
Isaac at 36 weeks

Wow - that is amazing! I can hardly wait to meet you little girl!
The ultra sound is so clear! That is really amazing........I can't wait to see and hold her.
Grandma (Sherry)
What fun! I'm excited to have little ones so close! :)
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