I am proud to announce that my little brother Joe has married the love of his life, Sara!!! They were married at the Courthouse in New York today and plan to have a 'real wedding' when Joe returns from his duties in Baghdad (mid 2009)! As emotional as it was to hear the news, I couldn't be happier for them. From what I have seen of them together, they make the perfect couple :o) Sara is from North Dakota, so I am hoping that she doesn't try to steal him away from Michigan (although with them both being in the Army, I am sure that they won't be planting their feet any time soon)!!
We wish the best for them and hope that they can endure the challenges that lie ahead.
Love each other like there is no tomorrow
Don't go to bed angry
Learn to communicate and do it well
Give without expectations
When you need help and support from others, don't hesitate to ask!
Have Fun Together!!!!

Oh, I wish them the best!!!!
Uncle Dan
Wow! What a surprise....some one could have called me!!! :)
I wish them much happiness. And congrats to Rob and Stephanie on being Aunt and Uncle again to Matt & Amanda's little baby boy Andrew. All kinds of excitement going on in the Gulliver family!!!
C R A Z Y!! That is great - congrats to the newleyweds. We can't wait to meet her.
Congratulations Joe and Sara.
Love Aunt Gloria
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